Innovationen & Euregio im Zeichen der Mobilität
Innovative Mobililty for Future Salzburg
IMFS 2022
The second instalment of the IMFS, short for Innovative Mobility for Future Salzburg, took place last Friday, 14th October, thanks to the event organiser Salzburger Nachrichten.
The exhibition and test drives were supplemented with keynote speeches and podium discussions of renowned experts — from innovative start ups with their world-premiering new technologies to politicians, emergency services and more. In a separate marquee, innovative start-ups were able to demonstrate their new technologies and hardware.
A special highlight was also that leaders from the whole EUREGIO Region could be welcomed this year. With the scheduled meeting important communal transport issues could be discussed alongside best practice.
Together with the “Salzburger Verkehrstage” (“Salzburg traffic days”) the IMFS is a key highlight in this future-oriented theme week for mobility.
Special magazine to read here (German only)
IMFS 2022
IMFS - Innovative Mobility for Future Salzburg - Hier zur Beilage der Fachmesse für Mobilität am
For those who could not attend this year, take a look at the action on www.imfs.at. Some of the keynote speeches and discussions can be viewed “on demand”.
RTS TV Report
Mobilitäts-Event mit Weltpremiere - RTS Regional TV Salzburg
Beim B2B Event „Innovative mobility for future" (IMFS) haben Hersteller von alternativ-angetriebenen Fahrzeugen, Anbieter von New-Mobility-Dienstleistungen und Startups ihre Neuheiten einem Fachpublikum präsentiert. Darunter war sogar eine aufsehenerregende Weltpremiere.