Salzburgring vip 08409

Quench your thirst and refuel

Food & Drink

Gasthaus am Ring

Under the watch­ful eye of Head Chef Josef Kreisz we offer a wide vari­ety to please our guests. Typ­i­cal Aus­tri­an dish­es as well as inter­na­tion­al favourites are on the menu which changes daily. 

Salzburgring vip 08411


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Salzburgring vip 08393
Salzburgring vip 08398
Salzburgring vip 08405
Salzburgring vip 08415

In der Lounge im Turm kön­nen wir bis zu 50 Per­so­n­en mit Verpfle­gung empfangen.

2. Obergeschoss
• Kapaz­ität bis zu 50 Sitz­plätze innen
• Kleine über­dachte Ter­rasse
• Dachter­rasse mit Ste­htis­chen und Blick über Start-Ziel und Rich­tung Fahrerlager im 3. OG
• Fernse­her
• Kli­maan­lage
• Bar, Kaf­feemas­chine, Buffet


Das Restaurant

  • Seat­ing of up to 145 indoors and 
  • About 150 on the cov­ered ter­race with TVs for live sports and con­nec­tions for laptops

"Passion for motorsports is something unique and very special - our part in it is looking after your wellbeing with food and drink!”

Our team will be hap­py to talk through your ideas with you and assist in meet­ing your needs whilst delight­ing your clients and guests as your expe­ri­enced and com­pe­tent cater­ing partner. 

Con­tact us to dis­cuss your indi­vid­ual require­ments and we will offer our sug­ges­tions for menus and oth­er event details.


Gasthaus am Salzbur­gring
Josef Kreisz
Salzbur­gring 3A
5325 Plain­feld

Tele­phone: +43 (0)676 – 3072256

Email: restaurant@​salzburgring.​com

UID-Nr.: ATU66252306