Histo Cup Sep 2022 A1 SBR Plakat print24 598 845 NEU klein
16 Aug

25 Years of Histo Cup

16. - 18. September 2022

25th anniversary

"Congratulations on 25 years Histo Cup!”

Histo Cup Sep 2022 A1 SBR Plakat print24 598 845 NEU klein
  • Tick­ets in pre-sale online and at the door
  • All tick­ets have access to the stands and paddock
  • VIP Tick­ets include access to the lounge and roof ter­race on top of the tow­er. Food and drinks all day
  • Chil­dren up to 12 years of age — free of charge
  • Livestream on www​.salzbur​gring​.com and www​.his​tocup​.com


The 25th anniver­sary will be cel­e­brat­ed in style at Salzbur­gring in Sep­tem­ber 2022.

The fol­low­ing series will be racing: 

  • V8 His­toric
  • His­to Cup Spe­cial Tour­ing Cars up to 1985 
  • His­to Cup K up to1985 
  • Tour­ing Car Open 
  • Young-Timer up to 2004 
  • BMW 325-Chal­lenge
  • Formel His­toric
  • Formel Renault 2.0
  • Sport­wa­gen 2000 
  • Clas­si­ca Trophy 
  • Porsche Clas­sic Cup

All fur­ther infor­ma­tion avail­able here: www​.his​tocup​.com.