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21 Apr

Freies Fahren - Change of date

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14th May 2021

We have been able to con­firm a new date: Sat­ur­day, 10th July 2021

The par­tic­i­pants of the orig­i­nal date have already been con­tact­ed and they now have the oppor­tu­ni­ty of mov­ing their tick­ets to the new date. 

Should any spaces become avail­able, we will be in touch with the peo­ple on the wait­ing list. 

See you on track soon!


21st April 2021

Dear Dri­vers, Par­tic­i­pants, Spec­ta­tors and Fans, 

Due to the not yet imple­ment­ed open­ing mea­sures of the Gov­ern­ment it is with a heavy heart that we have to post­pone the tra­di­tion­al Freies Fahren” on 1st May 2021

The restau­rants and hotels remain closed, var­i­ous trav­el restric­tions are still in place and events with spec­ta­tors aren’t yet allowed. 

We will announce the new date short­ly and inform all par­tic­i­pants direct­ly as well as pub­lish­ing the new date on our cal­en­dar on our website. 

Thank you for your under­stand­ing. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you back on track very soon!

Your Salzbur­gring Team

#stop #go #soon #final­ly­drivin­ga­gain #season2021