Screenshot 2020 03 15 Salzburgring salzburgring official Instagram Fotos und Videos
15 Mar


Giv­en the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, in the inter­est of the Aus­tri­an gov­ern­ment and to pro­tect the health of the pop­u­la­tion, co-work­ers and our clients, oper­a­tions at Salzbur­gring will be closed with imme­di­ate effect. 

We will keep you informed about our next steps and hope to wel­come you back on track soon. 

All the pub­lic large-scale events are cur­rent­ly unaf­fect­ed and should go ahead as planned.

#wecan­doth­is­to­geth­er #tea­maus­tria #salzbur­gring